Photo courtesy : http://www.flickr.com/photos/28601488@N05/3764533384/
We drove all the way from home,Auburn Hills crossed the Mackinaw bridge which is the longest suspension bridge in the Western Hemisphere after, The Great Belt Bridge in Halsskov-Sprogoe,Denmark and Akashi Kaiko Bridge in Japan.We got to see, Lake Huron on the right side of the bridge and Lake Michigan on the left side of the bridge.The lakes were vast like oceans.Got a peek of the Mackinaw island,had our lunch on the way and drove all the up to the Ontanogan.My first impression of Upper Peninsula was that it was a noman's land.Finally we reached the Upper Peninsula of Michigan,commonly called as U.P. U.P. is the land above the Macjinaw bridge linking the two peninsulas.It is bound by Lake Superior in the North,St Mary's river on the east,Lake Michigan and Lake Huron on the South and Wisconsin on the west.U.P is also known as the Yoopers land(derived from the U.P'ers).It was already dark when we reached so we hardly saw how the place looked.I drove for 4 hours and the sunlight was blindling me as we were driving west and it was already time for the sun to set.Mackinaw bridge
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